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ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2024-07-19T14:35:02.803+08:00   統計を見る
23-12-10  $5 wrench attack is complete and utter FUD, and here's why (www.reddit.com)
23-12-10  🇦🇷 Argentinians holding a wake for the central bank on the night before Javier Milei gets sworn in as President 👀 (old.reddit.com)
23-12-10  Genuine question: Which are the strongest alts from the crypto winter that will return to their ATH? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  BitPay has been doing crypto payments since 2011. One coin has always led in their stats. Today they declared a new king of payments for the first time ever. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-09  Top hot post in wallstreetbets is about selling everything and going all in on BTC -- reactions are mostly on board and OP confirmed hardware wallet, cool beans (old.reddit.com)
23-12-08  the greatest bull run ever seen in the entire history of humanity across all known and unknown universes and its already on (www.reddit.com)
23-12-08  The FIRST EVER P2P Marketplace for Airline Tickets has launched. Airline tickets as NFT's are a thing, and you can RESELL them on the open market! This is a revolutionary application live right now on blockchain, show people this when they ask what blockchain can do. (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Presidential candidate Vivek was asked about Bitcoin during the GOP debate last night and calls Gary Gensler an embarrassment to the SEC (x.com)
23-12-07  How many of you guys just hold bitcoin through highs and lows without caring for profits because you actually believe in the currency as a viable technology ? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Hey, I'm quite old and I'ts my first time on Reddit so bear with me guys! I would like some advice. I've got 0.60 BTC and I'm wondering if I should complete the coin or wait for a possible crash to buy more/average in?? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-07  Jamie Dimon lashes out against crypto: ‘If I was the government, I’d close it down’ (www.cnbc.com)
23-12-07  So sick of redditors telling me "technical analysis is hocus pocus" - the charts CLEARLY show BTC to 210k in 2024 (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  So let me get this straight, now that we're on the verge of a massive bull run and BTC is already north of 40K, a bunch of 'investors' pop up and start asking if it's the right time to yolo all in? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-06  CNBC: After the halving, Bitcoin will be the first asset more scarce than gold (old.reddit.com)
23-12-05  The European Commission (EC) is about to take a draconian and unscientific stance towards Bitcoin that can not only pave the way for an EU mining ban, but could have far-reaching consequences for the entire global Bitcoin community. Links to resources and actionable advice inside (www.reddit.com)
23-12-04  Crypto.com Receives Authorisation as an Electronic Money Institution from the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority (crypto.com)
23-12-04  How does a regular person actually get rich off crypto these days? Realistically? (www.reddit.com)
23-12-02  Real-time payments in India are averaging more than 200 billion dollars per month @ 11.4 billion transactions through a state-run UPI Payments System. Can any of the CryptoCurrencies reach these levels in the near future? (www.thehindubusinessline.com)
23-12-01  Bitcoin Revolution: Central Bank Plans to Convert 1% of Reserves into BTC as a Safeguard Against Inflation and to Boost Economic Growth (www.crypto-news-flash.com)